Billboard Hit: Artwork on Fenton, NC Billboards

I’m still reeling off of the excitement of seeing my work displayed on digital billboards around Fenton in Cary, NC.

On my way down to Raleigh last weekend for 311 Gallery’s Artist Reception for the exhibition “Something for Everyone [Squared[“ and December Art Market, I just had to stop by the outdoor shopping mall at Fenton to see for myself my work on their new digital billboards.

I’m so honored that my work was chosen by the Raleigh Arts Festival, Artsplosure, for display on these digital billboards to advertise Artsplosure’s incredible annual arts festival. I’m so grateful for the work Artsplosure does to highlight and uplift local artists. Check out my blog on this past year’s Artsplosure to see more from this exciting, fun-filled downtown event.

Strolling through this outdoor mall with my family, excitedly visiting each and every billboard made for the best, most embarrassing public spectacle, and I’m forever grateful for it.