Proud Pets And Their Portraits - Part II


As joyful as the process of painting can be, it pales in comparison to the joy I feel seeing someone’s reaction to a finished work of art. I know that I cannot always be there when someone unwraps their painted present or when someone has that first moment of connection to a piece, nevertheless, just knowing that something I created could elicit such an emotional response is the greatest gift I could ever receive.

I wish I could be there to witness every heartfelt response, be they a friend or a complete stranger, but after putting so much of my heart and soul into a piece, I take solace just in the knowledge that the work will be cherished.

Occasionally, however, I do receive a story of a reaction, a picture of a smiling face, or even a beautiful, heartfelt reaction video. This feedback means the absolute world to me.

While I prefer to keep private some of the more intimate, emotional reactions out of respect, I am excited to share some of the cuter pictures sent to me…those of your furry friends with their portraits.

So without further ado, here are some of my sweetest muses of the holiday season, standing proudly beside their very own portraits.

Interested in making your pup proud with a one-of-a-kind custom portrait? Contact me to start your commission or let me know if you have any questions about the process. I would love to help immortalize your furry best friend.

If you’ve already commissioned a pet portrait, send me a picture of your pet with their painting to be featured in our next installment of “Proud Pets and Their Paintings.”

Love these precious pictures? Check out more from our “Proud Pets and Their Portraits” series:

“Proud Pets and Their Portraits - Part I”