Watauga Democrat | July Art in the Park a Hit in Blowing Rock
Reblogged from Watauga Democrat, written by Lexie Carroll and originally published July 18, 2023
Artist Veronica Vale and her husband, Joshua Upchurch, display her paintings. Vale was recently an Artist in Residence at Edgewood Cottage. Photo by Lexie Carroll
BLOWING ROCK — The Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce held its Art in the Park event on July 15, with hundreds of community members enjoying all it had to offer.
The event featured art and handmade crafts from jury-selected local and regional artists.
The event was set up on Park Avenue, right off of Blowing Rock’s Main Street, so that attendees could shop around for art while also being in downtown Blowing Rock.
The Blowing Rock Community Library and the local Boy Scouts troop sold hot dogs and other refreshments as a part of their fundraising efforts.
The Chamber of Commerce hosts Art in the Park one weekend each month from May to October each year.
This is the 61st year that local and regional art has been celebrated in the heart of downtown Blowing Rock with Art in the Park.
Each Art in the Park event is followed by the Alair Homes Summer Concert Series the following day in Memorial Park.
The bluegrass and swing group, Jacktown Ramblers, were the performers for this month’s Art in the Park.
The next Art in the Park events are on Aug. 12, Sept. 9 and Oct. 7, featuring artwork and goods from a different group of jury-selected artists.
For more information about Art in the Park and the Alair Homes Summer Concert Series, visit www.blowingrock.com/artinthepark/.
Reblogged from Watauga Democrat, written by Lexie Carroll and originally published July 18, 2023