Art in Situ - Part II

When painting in my studio, I’m mainly thinking about the process of creation and the people who will cherish the work. So when I’m sent a picture of the painting in its new home, I’m always taken aback by how beautifully the painting complements their space. I often forget to think about the space it will reside in once it leaves my studio.

When I finally do see a work of art in its new home, it feels as if the painting was always meant to end up where it is. It’s lovely to see how collectors curate their space. Seeing these in situ images, it feels as if the painting is the last missing puzzle piece, snapped perfectly into place.

Here are a few of my favorite of the latest “last puzzle piece” in situ images I’ve been sent. Which installation is your favorite?

I had the opportunity to install this piece myself in a local collector’s home. I was floored by how perfectly the space complemented this painting “Appalachian Autumn.” From the blue ceiling to the brown leather couch to the gold lamp accent, this installation was remarkable, down to the very last detail. Find your own print of this piece in the Shop.

This collector beautifully demonstrates how to create a simple and effective art ledge. Her framed print of “Sunset Over Wasatch - Print” on the far right offers a brilliant pop of color while still suiting her space.

In the lobby of Southeast Mountain Guides in the Red River Gorge of Kentucky, you can find two of my works installed. Behind the front desk, “Kentucky Gorge” gives visitors a bright, stylized glimpse of the landscape waiting for them on the Via Ferrata course. While this piece currently finds its home in the Red, the work is still available online. In the back room, you can spot how the sold work “Crisp Air on Matterhorn” adds warmth to the staff’s office space.

Some installations need no hammer or nails! My grandparents-in-law propped their custom landscape work up in the built-in cabinets of their mantle - and it’s quite the perfect fit! I love how they’ve spotlighted the work with their very own LED daytime light so that the work shines all through the day and night.

This modern shelf installation is one of my favorites - and not just because I’m a plant lover! I love how this tiny custom pet portrait is given a big moment in this display, offering a bright pop of color and a moment of sweetness .

The beauty of these pint-size paintings is that they can be displayed anywhere. This little blue custom pet portrait takes center stage in this highly trafficked foyer, giving all who pass another reason to smile.

Between the time that this couple commissioned this special piece and the time it was delivered, they unfortunately lost their beloved dog, Roxy. Now this custom pet portrait is all the more meaningful to them. It rests on their mantle cabinet, next to sweet Roxy’s ashes and collar, making the most heartfelt memorial for their little love.

Already own an original piece? Send me a picture of your painting in its new home to be featured in the next installment of “Art in Situ.” I love to see how you make the work shine in your home.

Love these installation shots? Check out more in our first installment of the series, Art in Situ - Part I