Proud Pets and Their Portraits - Part I

After two months of business, I’ve had the honor of capturing the joy and quirky personalities of over a dozen precious pups. Here are just a few of their sweet faces, standing proudly with their very own custom portraits.

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It was a delight to capture the beautiful fluff and lively eyes of this Samoyed, Mookie. She looks just as fun and spunky in her person as she does in her painting.

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Our first giveaway contest winner, Waffles, looks all too proud of her cute little portrait. My heart melted painting this sweet goober face.


This portrait of the beautiful and silly Golden doodle, Kona, made for the perfect surprise birthday gift for her mom. I was excited to see how the blue ombre background made her light golden fur pop off the canvas.

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It was easy to capture the joy and spunky nature of our sweet Zorro. The tricolored background subtly implies a mountain setting, giving the work an adventurous spirit - fitting for our little adventure pup.


Modest Jake, the German Shepherd, looks bashfully at his portrait. This little piece was a surprise birthday present from dad to mom. What a sweet family!

Interested in making your pup proud with a one-of-a-kind custom portrait? Contact me to start your commission or let me know if you have any questions about the process. I would love to help immortalize your furry best friend.

If you’ve already commissioned a pet portrait, send me a picture of your pet with their painting to be featured in our next segment of “Proud Pets and Their Paintings.”