Reflecting on a Year of Daydreams

2022 was a daydream. Reliving the moments of this year, I find myself teary-eyed with gratitude. Strangely, I also find myself filled with what I can only describe as…relief.

Allow me to explain (and to be quite vulnerable):

Three years ago today, I woke up in the middle of the night, crying. I had had a dream where I was dying, and the last thought that flitted through my brain before I woke up, was: “but I never became an artist.” It was just a simple thought, but it haunted and panicked me. I woke up in a cold sweat with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

I had always been too scared to take that leap and pursue my lifelong dream of becoming an artist, but it was in that moment that I realized: it was scarier not to. So right then and there, I decided that my 2020 New Year’s resolution was to officially quit my day job and pursue my art full-time.

I was worried that I would chicken out or that I would get too caught up in making a living to make a life, so to hold myself accountable, I wrote myself a contract. It was just a silly scrap of paper with my resolution scrawled across it, but I signed it and had my husband sign it as a “witness.” I then hung it on my fridge so that I would be reminded of my resolution every day.

Finally, in August of that year, I launched my dream art business, and I’ve never looked back. Now, going into 2023, I’m teary-eyed for a whole different reason.

So to anyone still waking up from nightmares of regrets and “what if’s,” I hope that you’ll make 2023 the year that you followed your daydream instead. 💛🥂✨

Check out my 2022 Recap Reel below for more of this year’s beautiful, dreamy moments: