Reflecting on One Year

The first photo I posted when I launched Veronica Vale Art one year ago today

The first photo I posted when I launched Veronica Vale Art one year ago today

Today officially marks one full year of Veronica Vale Art!

Before I pop a little champagne, I couldn’t help but reminisce over this extraordinary year. From the outpouring of love and support on my launch date one year ago today to the milestone 100th painting sold just two months ago, I couldn’t help but notice one major theme: YOU!

You, who are reading this blog and visiting this site and supporting my work, whether it be through painting sales, print orders, kind words, or simply quiet support from afar. I appreciate it all more than you could ever know.

My dream is to make your art dreams a reality. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me realize that dream. Now join me in reminiscing on some of the highlights that made this year the best first year I could ever imagine: