Art Reactions: A Daughter's Gift

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I’m not often there to witness the reactions to my work, but sometimes I do get sent a reaction video, and let me tell you, it makes my YEAR.

In my new blog series. Art Reactions, I’ll share with you one of the most rewarding parts of my job: making people happy (or better yet, making people happy cry!). See what makes gifting art so heartwarmingly beautiful, starting with this wonderful surprise reveal at this Spring’s Ardmore Art Walk.

For this special commission, I not only got to see the reaction video, but I got to be in it!

You see, the daughter of this lovely lady lives in Canada, and because of travel restrictions, she was unable to give her mom a Mother’s Day gift in person. So, being the most thoughtful daughter ever, she commissioned a painting of her mom’s late dog, Lily, surrounded by a garden of flowers.

She then orchestrated this surprise reveal, knowing that her mom was planning to stop by my booth at Ardmore Art Walk.

This is now a moment I know all three of us will cherish for a lifetime. As her lovely mother says, “how can life get any better than this?”